It's all about Me!

It's all about Me!
Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes to the bone.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

I seem to be chilling out. I can no longer maintain a sense of outrage long enough to write about it. This blog was always a bit of an experiment to see if I could get some money with google ad sense and Amazon. Never made a penny so that didn't work. 
I think the reason I haven't had the energy to rant is that the world is just gone to hell. So much of what you hear is ludicrous. So I'm going to start a new blog maybe name it happy times or something and only write about uplifting and inspirational stuff. If I can find any. so to all intents and purposes this blog is now closed.


Tuesday 13 March 2012

Four Horsemen

"I've never been so busy." said War " There is conflict in so many different countries I find it hard to keep up!"
"True" said Famine " There are so many people starving I've taken on two extra staff, they are called Indifference and Self-Interest.
Pestilence smiled "Although small pox has been eradicated, one of my favourites. I find that I am doing quite well with Malaria and Aids, not to mention Cholera. Business is booming!"
I was aghast. " This is the 21st century" I said, " Are things really so bad? Were will it all end?"
The fourth horseman sat upon his pale horse, peered at me from beneath his dark hood and grinned.
" COME AND SEE!" He said.

Thursday 8 December 2011

It's Winter

BREAKING NEWS: High winds, Snow and rain country wide 

have taken emergency services by surprise. " we weren't 

expecting it." said an official from the Highways Agency. 

"It's never happened before!" When asked just what do you 

think usually happens in winter he replied " Winter? err

what's that? Never heard of it, is it some new kind of biscuit?"

Meanwhile an anti-terrorist spokesperson in London has said 

that Winter maybe linked with terrorism. Pointing to the fact 

that many terrorist countries do not have winter.

The cold weather could bring a resurgence of Bird Flu which 

may now have mutated to such an extent that WE'RE ALL 


Monday 15 August 2011

Riotous behaviour

I think the main lesson that can be earned from the recent riots in England is what a house of cards civilisation is. A bit of civil unrest and suddenly otherwise law abiding citizens think it's ok to raid the local telly shop and cart off the biggest TV they can. The most pathetic bit of looting I heard about was a student who stole 2 T-shirts. 

Friday 5 August 2011


According to some ancient Mayan prophecy the world is supposed to end on 21st December 2012. I think they might have got their calculations wrong. The USA is bankrupt so are most European countries and the Middle East is a war zone. Looks like we might not last until 2012. We might find it hard to get past 2011.

Friday 15 July 2011

Murdochgate: A dangerous time

Rupert Murdoch's empire seems to be crashing around his ears. The Sun is now being targeted as possibly hacking phones and the FBI are investigating allegations of phone hacking of September 11 victims. All well and good, many of us dislike Murdoch and his empire. However there is something worrying here. Parliament are howling like a pack of wolves after Murdoch and his newspapers but I heard tonight that maybe other papers may be involved. It sounds to me like the start of a witch hunt. Using the public's outrage at the press Parliament could rush through legislation curbing their power. I'm no advocate of the tabloids but the recent exposure of the excesses of MP's  expenses was I think a valid use of journalism to expose what is a blatant misuse of privilege.
 So we need to keep a weather eye open to make sure the MP's don't further erode our rights by curbing those legitimate investigations by the press that uncover the cheats and scoundrels who purport to have our best interests a t heart.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Rupert Murdoch and the deathly Hackers

So the News Of The World hacked peoples mobiles,proving once again that journalists are the lowest of bottom feeders. All of a sudden the other newspapers and news media find that they are on this moral highground. From this rarified height with there heads held high they can cheerfully piss on Murdoch's head.
 The only difference between them and Murdoch is that he's been caught. I bet the rest of them have skeletons in the closet that they hope will never come  to light.
 It's strange that all this should come to a head now just as Murdoch had been given the go ahead to buy BSKYB. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say someone had been sitting on this waiting for the most opportune moment but all this came to light via the police and the government. They wouldn't do that, would they?